Build leads and grow your brand naturally with our LinkedIn content package.
Then turn these leads into a content engine. Build unique content and develop your presence as an industry leader.
Release yearly reports on the state of your industry, with data direct from your new connections. Build backlinks and your brand authority in the meantime.
All streamlined and semi-automated. Let us collect the data, assemble it, and turn it into a lead magnet. Then we’ll get in touch with the right publications to expand your reach even further.
Meanwhile, you can broadcast to a larger audience than ever before.
Sounds good? Book in a free, no-obligation 30 minute call with me to discuss further.
Using bespoke tools, we’ll set up your LinkedIn account to automatically reach out to hundreds of new connections each month.
Choose your target location, industries, seniority level and any specific titles. Then we’ll craft a series of messages designed to maximise your chances of making a new connection.
Once you’ve connected, great – you’ve just expanded your network and audience.
From there, for a content engine project we’ll pre-agree with you, our follow-up messages will ask your new connections to give their thoughts on a topic relevant to your industry.
We’ll automate the data collection process, mixing qualitative and quantitative questions in order to give us a full range of results.
Remember, it’s a numbers game – there’s always someone out there who wants to give an opinion on something.
We’ll pull together the results we’ve got into a full report – the content engine.
After that, we’ll go out to industry experts to get their thoughts on what we’ve put together.
All of this frames you as an industry leader. You’ve got a unique, genuine dataset, and the experts are coming to your door to comment on it.
Then we’ll work out how best to slice it up. Each data point is a different campaign, and from the wide range of responses, you’ll be able to produce months’ worth of content.
With that content, we’ll be constantly reaching out to local, national and industry press. We want to give them what they need to tell the story they want to tell – and with the data we have, they’ll get it.
Every time that data gets shared or referenced, your website gets a link, and your authority grows.
Best of all: you can repeat it again next year, comparing your results and seeing what’s changed.
Then do it again the year after that. You get the picture.
It doesn’t matter whether you’re a large or small business – our LinkedIn content marketing engine is designed to get you noticed. You’ll become a genuine authority in your space by crowdsourcing opinion and data and bringing it together into a complete report.
In short, people want value, and you’ll be supplying it.
Here’s what you’ll get with our LinkedIn Content Engine:
✓ Semi-automated LinkedIn outreach, all managed by a team of experts.
✓ Dozens of new LinkedIn connections, and all of them potential new leads.
✓ A data collection project that will deliver genuine value. We’ll manage it every step of the way, from building the content to getting in contact with the relevant publications.
✓ A content engine that will build your authority and boost your backlinking.
It’s difficult for small businesses to make themselves heard. One of the best ways to do so is by generating new data, but that can be equally hard if you don’t have the resources.
That’s why our novel approach to getting grassroots data and opinion through new LinkedIn connections works – people want to talk about themselves, and those opinions are more valuable than they realise.
We’ll handle the process from start to finish, from conception through to collecting data, building the report and all subsequent PR. And you’ll have oversight and input every step of the way.
Plus, it has the added benefit of substantially expanding your audience. All of your content will be shared via LinkedIn too, generating new engagement, leads and sales.